It seems that everywhere I turn, the people in the various communities that surround me are experiencing little deaths. From a shamanic point of view, we journey to undergo psychic death of an idea or something we just can't seem to figure out, in order to come back with the energy and perception of someone who has been born anew.
I find it exciting to know that I live during a time where people speak openly about what it is they struggle with, that healing comes to us when we refuse to repress our mistakes and weaknesses. I am so thrilled that my son gets to grow up in a generation where many of us embrace that it is okay to make mistakes!
Like mythical heroes, we get to leave our challenges behind and plant our feet firmly on the path to our adventure of self-discovery and greater conscious awareness. We can choose to be "unstuck" from the sticky mess the generations before us may have been mired in, and blogging, meeting with, and talking with friends helps this process unfold. It seems that by exposing our stories, we find ourselves acting out or embodying the plots of the heroes within us and rising to heights up and beyond what we may have felt set up to do. This is so inspiring to me. I feel grateful.
Today seems time to move further into my journey.
"Today there are support groups and twelve-step programs for almost everything. Just a few years ago, people were embarrassed if they had to see a psychologist; now they discuss their therapists over lunch with their friends and colleagues. We have seen a proliferation of self-help books that have avid readers. Ours is, in some ways, a culture that wants to get well, and one increasingly open to spiritual as well as scientific means for getting there."--Carol S. Pearson
The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell (or anything by Campbell or Jung).
The Heroine's Journey, Maureen Murdock.
Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places, James Hollis. (sounds dreary, but really a good resource for any challenge any of us face-great, too, for anyone with residual anxiety, fear, doubt, angst, among the other depressed states)
Soul Retrieval:Mending the Fragmented Self, Sandra Ingerton (a good source if your soul was really abused by neglect, abandonment or trauma).
Way of the Shaman, Michael Harner.
The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By, Carol S. Pearson
and, of course, anything by Jungian analyst, Robert Johnson.
How will you hear your truth speaking to you today?