While I was pilfering purloining* old candy from the Halloween bag, ("I think it's time to throw this thing out while everyone is at the park...oooooh-Crunch bar!"), I used random.org to pick two winners for the prints!
CROW goes to Heather of Bumblebird
OWL is for Gem of Droplets of Devotion
Send me an email with your shipping address so I can send you your goods, m'dames!
Thank you all for playing! I will be doing a card giveaway this week, so come back and play again and try your luck at the wheel of fortune.
It's been a long weekend of parenting and cleaning up around here, leaving me low on resources. The too much information version includes me drinking a bit of Guinness to replenish my milk supply, after using a homeopathic remedy for a sore throat that left me all dried up! I have had to resurrect this milk from the dead twice now! The good news is that no caffeine + fenugreek + plenty of B vitamins + beer = abundant milk for the baby goddess. At eight months, she still won't take a bottle, so I do the straw trick or give her fluids with a dropper, slip raw milk into her porridge...shenanigans, basically. She did show some promise on the Nuby sippy cup today (Thank you Julia). I'm taking a workshop here on Friday to learn more about healthy prep of food beyond pureed mush. Three years of solids for Miles, and one memory gone missing means I'm reinventing the food wheel here!
It's all good. Deep breath.
I'm elated to have had a clock rotation or two to work in the studio and begin a new series I've been anxious to get started on. This piece is the first to be finished.
Pink Fox, 6x6 on cradled birch board, 2009.
I tried to talk (and paint) her into any color but pink and she wouldn't hear it. Something she said about the heart...
Fox is so prominent for me right now. I feel she represents what is growing in my world, in our world. She brings enchanting stories of possibility with her, of the healing energy that makes giant creative leaps possible. In our tribe, Fox is a symbol of family, and the unity and commitment we share as a group. This little one carries a message of what we can experience when we gather together in sacred trust and kinship. I sense that she is off into the woods to have a secret tryst with her comrades, to share stories and learn about herself and the world by communing with her friends.
Prints are in the shop and the original is going to hang around a bit until I feel I've heard all she has to say. I feel a postcard in the making, too.
Aho! This is my offering to you! Be well this chilly week...
*p.s. I want to thank Amy Dolich for expanding my vocabulary.