Can someone please enlighten me as to why asking for abundance is so goddamned difficult, especially if one is a woman, moreso if one is a momma? At the risk of sounding bossy, I'm going to just say it from the gut. I'm mainly addressing this to my female readership, as I've not heard from one man on this topic. Care to venture a guess at why?
Why is it that I keep hearing stories from so many of you about not being able to ask for abundance for fear that you will feel or be seen as (in your being?): undeserving, greedy, selfish, materialistic, ego-driven?
Do you fear that you will somehow sully your passion by seducing it to bed with money? Money is not the Big Bad Wolf. What is this unhealthy relationship with currency that implies some of you are willing to stop the flow of it in order to keep feeding a lie that you don't deserve it? Time for a shift!
My impression is not that women are sitting on their knees next to the bedside praying for fame, a mansion and a Mercedes Benz; but that you might like to have some of your basic needs met by trading your creative goods and services. What is wrong with that?
Listen, you- and you know who I'm talking to: The hunters and gatherers I'm most familiar with prayed for an abundance of clouds, rain, health, meaty game animals, salmon, new trees, obsidian, corn, beans, & squashes, babies, healing, signs from above, snowpack, years, dancing, spouses, stones, apples, leaves, feathers, bark, roots, truffles, fallen pine needles, medicinal plants, wampum, lodgepoles, visions, guidance, love...need I go on? Abundance of a resource whether in currency, energy or foodstuffs ensures not only that we will survive, but that we will have stores for when resources are short. It is natural to crave this insurance. It is also natural to crave comfort.
It is OKAY to want to manifest the life that is most meaningful to YOU. To give your energy to the things that mean the most to you and to expect your work to pay off in the way that you desire is not a sin.
My thought is that women give generously of ourselves, sometimes until there is nothing left for us. To dry out is not going to get us where we want to go or serve any good purpose, and yet there is a spirit of lack, that, as I see it, plagues the creative community. Funny thing is that also as women, we often yearn to gather resources so that we can....give them away again!
This beautiful circle of life feeds on abundance. The positive energy, the work that you create, the relationships you are being fair to, the children you are nurturing are your offerings. Make them worthwhile, I say! You may accept graciously, gratefully, and GUILT-FREE the rewards and nods that come from your efforts.
This is a manifesto. This is your permission slip.