I've been creating away here in my studio for the past month, preparing for my next adventure with Nahcotta and the Enormous Tiny Art Show. I really feel so grateful to continue to be in this show-so many great artists all in one room-heaven to stand among. ETA 3 will be held in Los Angeles, at the Living Room in Silverlake- and I'll put the flyer up here very soon for more details.
Some common threads run through this work. I'm always amazed to see the themes emerge up from my own subconscious. In the end, my head wraps around the messages, seeking ways to understand the applications in my own life, while preparing to let the medicine go out into the world to work its magic.
There are some new aspects about my work that is leaving me feeling a bit more raw, open and vulnerable and so these pieces are special to me. I feel as if I'm connecting more with the medicine of the creatures and their energies. This is a departure from some of the smaller drawings I've created for my paintings in the past. Now the subjects are right up front and center. (And I actually feel more centered, too)
I've made two of the new pieces available as prints so far in the shop.
This animals in this series are all intriguing to me, friends I've been working with for years, however, I've never seen the connections they share. All are considered to be pests, all are extremely prolific (ie. not soon to be on any endangered species lists), and all are a call to look at my shadow aspects, and turn my perspective upside down to get a better view. I've so enjoyed working with these creatures.
Today, as I journeyed for the messages that accompany each of them, I felt seriously weepy about how much they have helped me on my path. Such strong medicine, from all of them.
I will leave you with an image, my favorite of the group. My inspiration is a Coyote called Clyde, who lives at our local native creature rehab center. He is very special, yet very old. He comes to the fenceline and stretches each time I visit him and we connect and I thank him for his messages. He has a lovely partner, Poppy, who nervously trots about in the pen and occasionally stops to kiss and harrass him (that's her in yesterday's post). But Clyde is at ease in his surroundings. He is the king of his makeshift den and he seems to know that he is getting up in years.
Makes You Stronger, 2010. Mixed-media on 6x6 board.
Coyote travels the rough terrain, establishing territories everywhere. He learns his lessons the hard way, keeping a sense of humor about him as he goes. He turns rigid thinking upside down, preferring to keep it light, while adapting in order to survive. He is a humble teacher, a blissed out fool, an accidental genius. His song carries over mountaintops to find his kind. He is persistent, enduring and prolific. There is nothing he can't do, nowhere he won't go. He is fearless. Coyote outlasts bad weather, yipping contentedly through his long days and many journeys.
And here is a photo I snapped of handsome Clyde earlier this year:
I'm so grateful for this space to share my work, and my thoughts. I'm grateful for this life-in which we are all so blessed to be awake and connected to each other.
Aho, sisters.