I'm still having an inside laugh that this beautiful creature showed up when it did, and was pointed out to me by my friend with whom I'd just been having a conversation about drawing more light to us and having more to shine out. In other words, shedding some of the bullshit that crops up in thinking and relationships that have lived themselves out in order to welcome in new energy.
Here is my take on what Ted Andrews has to say about this magical fairy being:
Dragonfly's bright colors take time to develop, reflecting that with maturity our own true colors come forth. They inhabit water and air, and undergo metamorphosis when they change from nymph to fly. As they gain their big-girl wings (totally not Ted's words) they learn to balance passion and emotions with greater mental clarity and control. Because this transformation takes two years, Dragonfly may be showing up to indicate a two-year period of growth and full color emergence. Summer is the realm of light and Dragonfly thrives in the warmth and light of the sun. Being near sun and fresh water restores health, while the power of light infuses it with magic.
"Dragonflies remind us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. Dragonfly can help you to see through your illusions and thus allow your own light to shine forth. Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision."
I can't think of a better reading from Spirit and mama Nature than what our flaming friend brought, as we stood among the ancients in Maezen's garden.
It seems like there are such promising little scents on the wind for the rest of the year and the coming one, too. I feel more inspired than ever to allow the changes that are wanting to come in. I feel fearless about it, in fact. Many of the changes I thought would happen this year are not going to be. But others jumped up into my frame of vision, convincing me that there is so much that the unknown can show us when we are open.
If you are a woman with wild and colorful inclinations, this is the time for you to howl your voice and hear your pack. Summer's light and long days are ripe with possibility for you to find others like you, and bond and spread your magical light. All illusion can fall away, and you can feel safe just being you.