Samhain has proven to be a very medicinal day. Early this morning as I was leaving for preschool, I dumped out my tea (I tried), in order to replace it with coffee and saw a suspicious dark spot in the bottom of my mug. Supposing it was a blob of french-press grounds residue from the last coffee I'd had in there, I inspected haphazardly. Something glinted a bit, just as I was dumping the half and half in the bottom of the cup. Hmmm. Further inspection revealed that it was a dried and smashed earwig that had certainly had a worse day than I was having, and perhaps, also, a spin through the dishwasher hadn't helped his plight. I gave it a swish with some tap water and my fingers and repoured the creamer, coffee and ran out. What did it all mean? Earlier this year, Lauren had a similar experience when she kept sucking them up with her yerba mate through the bombilla straw.
I've had a hard shielded bug on my desk for a few days now. When I'm creating, he comes crawling up onto my drawings and hangs out. I don't mind having her (or him) around as long as they aren't harrassing me! His shield reminds me of a medicine shield-and after all of this talk about not needing any protection, in walks Pentatomoidea with its sucking mouthparts and defensive stink glands. I'm glad I've not made him angry. I see you, bud, and I'm happily stripped down right now; I accept your protection so I don't have to wear the war shield myself. Gracias.
Tonight the veil is thin between realms, of the living, and of those who have crossed. While I was scanning the drawing above earlier this evening, I made a copy of it to shrink it smaller and when I popped back into the main screen, a photo I'd scanned of my recently-passed Grandfather was layered over the top of my drawing. Click, back into it-it was Medicine Deer. Click out, Grandpa. So curious. It took closing the program and reopening it to resolve the issue.
What I'm taking away from all of this is, for one, the new work that's coming forth has an Elders quality to it. The wisdom is trying valiantly to come through. The Council is ready to be seen and heard and I'm ready to co-create and allow the messages to come through. I'm releasing any apprehension attached to sharing these expressive and powerful totems. I'm showing up in the weather to show the parts of my inner life that have been previously cocooned up safely.
If the Insect realm is about the divine feminine qualities of metamorphosis, that explains some of the profound shifts I've been experiencing in the past four to five months.
I'm shining my light, with the help of my guides and ancestors Yes, of course you. We reflect each other's brightness, and infuse one another with courage. It warms us, each one of us. It's all around us.
Do you feel it?