I've decided in a rather no frills way to share what I'm making here, under the glamourous title, "I Made This". Perhaps, that way, I'll remember to share the things I craft with my hands that are not paintings. Like the quilt idea I've robbed from Anthropologie and am making my own king sizer version.
I've just made a batch of New Year Medicine Bundles, since the others were snapped up before I could even offer a feature on them!, and they'll be listed tonight in the shop.
I have not included feathers on these, because upon investigation of Migratory Bird Laws, I've discovered that it is illegal in many states for even a Bluejay feather or Flicker feathers to be sold. Most birds are protected, I just tend to think of predator birds and raptors as the big no-no's.
Offerings this time will be mostly four-leggeds, and I've got to check the status of Bobcat, Badger and Coyote claws, which make appearances in those bundles. I've discovered that some states do not allow the sale of these animal parts and so they will have to be ammended if in fact I cannot list them. Bit of work to do today, essentially.
In other news, I've made my way back to Facebook. It seems to be working for me, as I've turned off every possible notification that can come to my inbox or phone. Which means I have to go there intentionally to experience it. Wish me luck. I never turned off my Twitter account, because I never go there. I auto post these blogs there and that is the extent of my casual affair with Twitter. Totally not based in love at all.
In other really, really good news, Squam Art Workshop listings are up and registration begins on January 11th, EIGHT DAYS FROM NOW! I will be teaching at both June and September sessions, which fills me with excitement and joy! I'm burying this announcement here because I want to write up in full what I'll be sharing there, in my own, more extensive words, and I want to tell those of you unfamiliar with SAW about what it was like for me to attend in '08 and '09-it was a life altering shift that catapulted me to gettin' it done. So, big post dedicated entirely to that coming very soon!