When I arrived at a recent destination, I relished the serendipity of what this point in my life feels like most often. I'd previously thought fifty was midlife, but now I realize that the center of the see-saw where I currently sit is the midpoint for me. It represents the apex of my lifetime of experiences thus far. While I hope to live far longer than eighty years old, there is something about the completion of fours that has me swirling into fives and landing smack in the center.
Five is the symbol of humans and of our sensory life. It often represents the opportunity to change direction. As a midpoint, it can denote mediation and adaptation. Fives can also signal a time of testing, and the presence of an inner struggle that will soon require a decision. They can encourage us to direct our sensory input and feelings into actual creative projects, or suggest that we regard our lives or activities from a more positive, satisfying perspective. Will we take advantage of the opportunity or continue to define reality in the same way as before? -Spiritual Tarot
Symbols of the crossroads are popping up all around me, to the point at which I just smile at each one. What else can I do but acknowledge that it feels as though I'm in the middle of a physics experiment?
I am most certainly feeling tested, in all areas of my life. I am absolutely struggling against tides that would pull me out of my ground and into the deep blue. I experience the full range of confounded to enlightened so many times in a day, that I often feel like I'm on a pre-menopausal ferris wheel at a carnival in the Bermuda Triangle.
I stopped at my favorite spot on the *central* coast on my way home to wander the shores, where at last visit, Ivy was soon to be born, as my belly was peaking at full moon.
The treasure that found me, like so many from the sea, spoke of the neverending cycle with no beginning and no end. It showed me that the midpoint is really not a quantifiable place on a line, but a fleeting moment of joy on a spiral slide to be discovered over and over. It reminded me, in it's luminescense, of the color and light to be found all along the way from here to there and back again.
Hands in the air, I am determined to make the most of this ride.