Autumn Equinox came and kicked some of our asses, inviting us to meet our fears at the negotiating table. And Saturday's upcoming Harvest Moon is asking us to look at the powerful and mystical within ourselves, as well as around us, and take inventory.
It would seem that Persephone will not be denied her journey into Hades, no matter how rigorously we try to prepare for the Fall. Part of living into the sacred and divine feminine is to honor the Dark, as much as we bow to the Light. The work I've done this year with women in the communal context of SouLodge & Matrilumina has shown me (again) that there are layers within all of us that express on the surface as routine fear: the feeling.
Fear expresses itself as a result of natural and power center-located anxiety: that whole body sensation that something is out of alignment. And deeper still, if we dig down, we find that there is a body of angst that is made up of old conditioning: existential worries of death, guilt, shame, sublevel and mostly unconscious concerns that we will be rejected, deemed selfish, unloved, poor, lacking in worth, and perhaps that our ideas are not valuable.
Some beautiful presentations will be made by members of the SouLodge community to offer herbal medicine for what feels unbearable, wisewoman storytelling, crafting to heal, and more.
Our sanctuary for Wild Women offers a space for authentic expression and lights at the end of the tunnel. When we are ready to walk our walk, we're called to go down and examine these things. The good news is that if you are experiencing some of these things, you're not alone. Embracing the Fall can be symbolic of our courage and willingness to explore our depths, as well as our heights. Autumn SouLodge: Goldmining the Shadows with Black Panther is a call to sit in a community of women possessing fierce integrity and ego-strength, in order to take a gentle sojourn down into the mineral-rich darkness.
Registration closes Monday, October 1. Class begins on Monday, October 8th.
Visit the SouLodge courses page to register-there are only three days left!
Love and lanterns enough for all,