I'm having so much fun collaborating with the ever-humble and infinitely wise coach and mama, Tara Wagner, of Organic Sister. I wish I could share the recorded call we did last week with her Organic Tribe on Staying Grounded Amidst Chaos. It was really revealing about what levels of restoration so many of us are needing as we...dare I say ascend into higher forms of work that are more community and "giving" oriented. If you join her Organic Tribe for the year, you have access to every single thing she creates, (including our recorded call) which is part of her amazing generosity.
Tara is a full-on radical gypsy living the off-grid traveler's dream. She keeps the road hot in her solar-powered RV pulled by a veggie diesel and unschools her son with her beloved partner. When she asked me to contribute to her upcoming parenting e-course it was a clear YES for me. One, because we're in alignment about so many of the same issues, two, because she's a very compassionate parent who takes non-violent mothering to an inspiring level, and three, because she's super-coolio. Another reason is because I've been crafting a parenting course myself all summer, and I simply don't have time to follow through on it. After hearing Tara's lineup of contributors, I felt that her course would be the perfect answer to me pushing myself too hard, trying to express my every passion on the planet. You will be in very good hands with Tara and her team.
She's just today launched it! Organic Parenting: The Unconventional Guide to Vibrant Mamas and Thriving Kids, is full of tools, videos (Miles and I loved contributing), practices and strategies for confident, conscious parenting.
Jan Hunt is on board, one of my favorite authors in the early days of parenting. I still look to her book The Natural Child: Parenting From the Heart when I am overwhelmed and need a calm and steady wisewoman to guide me over the rough seas.
I'm so grateful to Tara for giving me the opportunity to share my parenting Voice. I hope you enjoy her community gathering of conscious parents and what we have to share with you.