Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen."
-John Steinbeck
Besides creating secret artwork for the book project I'm working on, Shamanic Painting as a Process is being developed more deeply than I'd imagined it could be! During the workshop at seaside Esalen, I'll be leading my group through a unique process that I created, complete with auric visioning and painting your guides from journey meditations. With as much focus on seeing with the intuition/psychic abilities as in technique, the week is going to blow the doors off of our big yurt. I know I'm going to learn so much about my own process just formally teaching it. I've never had the time or space (or resources) at a workshop to teach it ALL, which means this gathering has me all bouncy.
Once the creative floodgates open to a thing, there's nothing to stop it. I love the rush that comes with flushing something out into the open that's in total alignment with higher purpose. Do you know it?
Monday is hippity-hopping off to quite a start this lovey dovey week.