Several years ago, when I set out to (re?)identify myself as an artist a human being, Style Statement fell across my lap. Someone who was someone recommended it for "re-branding", which I wasn't sure what that meant, and I'm not sure I do now. When you are what you do and you do what you are, branding is kind of a funny concept.
Anyhoo, I worked that book cover to cover, with Ivy strapped to one side of me or another, until I could narrow all of my notes and notions down to two words. That's all they give you-two words in the end. I really wasn't sure about what I ended up with, it wasn't something like an archetype that had always been with me, in fact, I'm pretty sure the opposite was true. My Style Statement (double-affirming nod, because it sounds so official) turned out to be FEMININE VITALITY.
"Passion is the secret to life getting better and better."
When I was a vegetarian (and a bit of a vegan, for eleven years total) I was nothing like a green goddess, and I'd had to be adopted by a clan of mothers to know what "feminine" even was. Vitality...was that how I felt after sleeping until ten + a double espresso dance party before having kids? I took a long time to know what non-artificial vitality felt like, and those moments were as short lived as the second-trimester-glitter-phase of pregnancy. There are a good many of us who were not brought up with the core value of taking care of our health. I've searched inside of myself high and low and have yet to find a meter for self-care welded into my rib cage. In fact, my people seem hardwired for self-destruction in one form or another, which is another reason why I was surprised at my Statement.
Banana, chia, dates, coconut oil, coconut water, ginger, cinnamon: inspired by Sarandev Kaur. Rings vintage butterfly and tiffany stone by Buffalo Lucy.
Only some tongue in cheek aside, it spoke to the work I would be unearthing in myself, and also hosting for other women stirring underneath the covers of the status quo: working all your life doing something you kind of took an interest in fifteen/twenty years ago and sounded like it would be stable income-maybe with benefits.
Transformation is my passion, that is, making things more alive than they once were, more beautiful, meaningful, co-creative. Commitment to Feminine Vitality is what was waking up within me with the Spring birth of my daughter, and the pairing of words was more of a lighthouse to keep me on path with everything I'd ever create and collaborate in than I'd realized. It was also relevant because of my new need to show someone, a very special little feminine someone, how. It's one of my gauges, the concept, having worked to install the missing mechanism myself, by which I choose projects and collaborators to work with.
I should say that feminine, to me, is a pretty broad concept. It is the Earth Mother herself, all of life - the divine feminine being an affirmation of reflection of creation and life. It is what I do, and increasingly so, it is what I consume. I put it together that if I am to live the privileged mission and dedication to Feminine Vitality, mine and yours, that I must also be made of it. Having bouts with fatigue and Qi Deficient, as my tongue seems to indicate, is not helping me with my superheroic cause of supporting women's creativity and spirituality.
You may see more smoothie shots, scary tongue charts, and recipes, than usual in my public spaces these days, along with photos of my children sporting green mustaches, and you'll know why. Superheros require super food. We who are gifted with the blessed western life all have an opportunity to be feautured in the game of Transformation, to be Magicians who leave things in a state more beautiful than they found them, and to create vitality in bodies which were not always wired for how. It might seem like a no-brainer for some folks rocking the scene, but not for this lady. I have to work hard to prioritize my health and put things in my body (and mind) that result in wellness. That's my little true confession for today.
To make the green goddess experiment-gone-well, stuff your blender loosely with de-stemmed black kale, 2 c coconut water, 1 ripe banana, 4 chunks frozen mango, 2 tbs hemp powder, 1 tbs maca root powder (adults only!), 2 opened capsules spirulina, 1 tbs coconut oil. Garnish with tangerine or lemon. Voila! Serves 2.